Superior chain hoist Listrik Transmisi – alat serbaguna yang biasa digunakan di lingkungan industri, pabrik, dan bengkel. Ini membantu dalam mengangkat atau memindahkan beban, mulai dari beban ringan hingga sedang, dalam posisi vertikal. Hoist beroperasi dengan menggunakan energi listrik sebagai tenaga penggeraknya. Berikut beberapa spesifikasi:

Electric Trolley
Superior Electric Trolley – Type DC-A is a tool commonly used as a tool for lifting or moving loads with light weight to medium heavy loads

Electric Chain Hoist
Superior Electric Chain Hoist – Type HHXG-AM (DC-C) is a tool commonly used as a tool for lifting or moving loads with light weight to medium heavy load

Hand Lever Block
A Lever Hoist is a piece of high-quality equipment used to lift and lower heavy loads without the aid of machinery. Lever Hoists have the ability to lift items in most positions, including horizontally.

Wire Hoist SH1 Series
Model SH. Electric hoist has only one normal speed, which can satisfy normal application. Model SD, electric hoist provides two speed: normal speed and low speed.

Low-headroom Hoist 1.6-20t
Detailed design ensures smart appearance of the hoist, integrated with high strength trolley assembly, drive motor, modular control box etc.

It also ensures safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

PT. Cakra Adji Gunung

Distributor, Agen Gearbox, Electric Motor, Inverter, Air Compressor, Gear Pump, Vibrator, Worm Gear, Gear Reducer, Coupling, Roller Chain, Pulley, Bearing, Cycloidal, Valve. Dll

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