Skf ball bearing groove – Bantalan bola dalam alur/skf ball bearing jenis bantalan yang paling banyak digunakan dan sangat serbaguna. Mereka memiliki gesekan rendah dan dioptimalkan untuk kebisingan rendah dan getaran rendah yang memungkinkan kecepatan rotasi tinggi.
Ball bearing ini mengakomodasi beban radial dan aksial di kedua arah, mudah dipasang, dan memerlukan lebih sedikit perawatan dibandingkan jenis bantalan lainnya.
SKF Deep groove ball bearings
- Single row deep groove ball bearings
- Stainless steel deep groove ball bearings
- Single row deep groove ball bearings with filling slots
- Double row deep groove ball bearings
SKF Insert bearings (Y-bearings)
Product details
- Designs and variants
- Lubrication
- General bearing specifications
- Loads
- Temperature limits
- Permissible speed
- Design considerations
- Mounting and dismounting
Designation system
SKF Self-aligning ball bearings
Product details
- Designs and variants
- General bearing specifications
- Loads
- Temperature limits
- Permissible speed
- Design considerations
- Mounting
- Designation system
SKF Thrust ball bearings
Product details
- Designs and variants
- General bearing specifications
- Loads
- Temperature limits
- Permissible speed
- Mounting
- Designation system
Other Brands Bearing Product
PT. Cakra Adji Gunung
Distributor, Agen Gearbox, Electric Motor, Inverter, Air Compressor, Gear Pump, Vibrator, Worm Gear, Gear Reducer, Coupling, Roller Chain, Pulley, Bearing, Cycloidal, Valve. Dll